(Friday) October 23rd, was Donovan's birthday, and Norman (he's Dad), arranged a Bring & Braai, for him. There are hundreds of pics, below is just a few of them.
Donovan And Tam (Donovan's girlfriend)
Wouter, Richard, Shaun and Chris
Ouma (My Mother) pulling faces
Megan & Kaylin enjoying Sheba
Percy, saying cheers
Dirk being he's usual silly self
Me (Mandy) and Wouter
Norman and he's dirty hands
after making the braai fire
Percy & Kaylin
Kaylin & Megan
Sam (Justin's girlfriend)
Sam & Justin

Chris writing in Donovan's card
Sam & Justin demonstrating their
Cheerleading, that got them onto
SA's got talent.
Me & Melanie
Wouter, Irene and Piet
Natasha, Donovan & Me
Kevin, Donovan and ?can't remember he's name
Me and Justin
Richard and Me
Chris, Me & Richard
Me & Richard
Gillian, throwing a cocky pose as usual
Piet & Irene
Was a good evening.