Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 Road Trip DAY 2 Bonamanzi St Lucia

 Trip Becomes Reality!
[Written by Cheyna]

After an early wake up call from Aunty Mandy and her old bicycle horn we were quickly thrown into action by the peacock and Aunty Ria with "morning excercises,everybody up,1,2,3". Tents were hastily put down and trailors packed.On the road again...

Driving for miles through potholes, rutting and roadworks was tiring but amusing at the same time with jokes and clever comments flying from one two way radio to the next.Are we there yet?

Finally arriving at our destination I decided I liked this place, warm, abundance of animals and sun streaked grassland. I was clearly unaware of what lay ahead of us and what my first proper camp setup experience would be like...

With rain bucketing down we all scurried about building tents, unpacking trailors and getting all "muddied" up! Like Murphy's Law as we all finished and could only stand around and stare at our mud filled hands and feet the sun hastily made an appearance...

In true HKGK style we rewarded ourselves with ice-cold drinks around a very friendly camp warthog. An old female warthog made herself at home around the campsite causing great amusement. After deciding she had had enough she reminded Uncle Percy who was boss and he looked like a cartoon figure running, legs spinning at 100km per hour!

After sitting down to a delicious supper provided by Aunty Mandy and Uncle Percy we all voted and Uncle Dirk was crowned king for 24hours.

A long day for all ended with lots of excitement for the next day and an early night.

Finally arriving...

A welcome from the wildlife.

Our camp warthog.

Relaxing with a drink after setting up in the rain.

Uncle Percy just before running for his life.(hehe)

The nonsense begins...

Prevention is always better than cure...much to our amusement!

The voting begins...

This is when we know it's time for bed.

A very happy camper with his immunity necklace.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are having SO MUCH FUN!

    I'm loving the updates and can't wait to join you guys soon.
